Epidévéthèque d'images / Blourenvois sonores
du jeudi 13 février 2014 à d'en 1 an à Nice

jeudi 11 décembre 2014


"Old professors on road trips, no matter how many fully dressed blonds you add, will probably never provide much wildness or strawberries (...). Ingmar definitely failed (...). He hints that he may be attempting irony, but that really doesn't work outside of a few instances where the actors pull it off. (...) The film seems more like that of a young, naive director playing with university ideas and quite possibly trying to antagonize a professor he hated, or simply fool him into grading the film highly by not committing to anything and leaving it open for interpretation." (in1984, imdb.com)

mercredi 10 décembre 2014


"As a big fan of Henry Miller, I must vehemently trash this movie. The director misses the point of the novel completely, and instead INVENTS a tediously pretentious story around the most basic elements of Miller's book. It's an embarrassment, really. Miller and Carl's poverty is such a factor in the book, yet the movie's setting is extravagant and overblown. I had thought that the 1970 version was a poor facsimilie, but I see that that film at least attempted to capture the down-and-out feel of the book, the crudeness of Miller's language in that particular telling, and made some effort to follow the plot of the book. Andrew McCarthy is a snivelling newt with no charisma. McCarthy as Miller? I was cringing the entire time. I couldn't even bear to fast-forward the second half of this version. Dear god, avoid this waste of everyone's time. Why did the director even bother?" (GComstock, imdb.com)

vendredi 21 novembre 2014


"Si l'interprétation n'est pas mauvaise elle tombe cependant trop dans l'excès. L'Amour braque devient rapidement agaçant, énervant et frôle la débilité ; c'est frénétique mais sans vitalité. Avec une mise en scène et une interprétation plus mesurées L'Amour braque aurait pu être un film intéressant mais Zulawski est parti dans un délire de cinéaste oubliant le spectateur." (AMCHI, senscritique.com)

Alice ou la dernière fugue (1977)