Epidévéthèque d'images / Blourenvois sonores
du jeudi 13 février 2014 à d'en 1 an à Nice

samedi 8 mars 2014

Fraise écrasée

"Don't be fooled by the impressive credentials: this ugly, abusive excuse for a motion picture is just a trashy big-budget adaptation of yet another Stephen King potboiler. Even worse, it's a transparent, masochistic revenge fantasy aimed straight at the fans who made King a success in the first place. The protagonist is (naturally) a brilliant novelist, crippled in an auto accident and left to the not-so-tender mercies of his number one fan, who systematically tortures him so that he can continue writing best-selling garbage. The plot is not unlike an inversion of 'The Shining', but without the added element of the supernatural to give it any horrific guilty pleasures. Yes, the point is made that writers are always at the mercy of their readers, but cool, rational man of letters James Caan is, on the evidence of his cathartic fury of violence at the climax of the film, little better than psycho fan Kathy Bates (no relation to Norman). In fairness, it should be noted that the original, downbeat ending to King's novel was sanitized to make the story more accessible, but not enough to hide the author's contempt and self-pity." (Michael Neumann, imdb.com)

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